2021 Union County Heritage Festival

The Union County Heritage Festival will be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Union County Agricultural Center in Monroe. 

The Union County Heritage Festival is an annual event hosted by the Union County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association. The festival's focus is the celebration of the Natural, Cultural, and Historical Heritage of Union County, and providing inspiration and education for attaining and sustaining a healthy lifestyle, community, and environment.

September 18, 2021, will mark the 8th year of the event. The theme this year is “Thriving with Nature”. There will be a variety of live entertainment, great food, a vendor fair, exhibitors, games, educational and creative activities for kids, free talks, arts and crafts demonstrations, fabulous raffle prizes, cooking demonstrations, and more! For more information, visit the website: Home | Cultural Event | Union County Heritage Festival | United States