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Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Weddington Planning Board and Weddington Town Council may be present at a Conditional Zoning Training Session on Wednesday, October 18th at 5:30 p.m. at Weddington Town Hall 1924 Weddington Road.

There will be no action taken by the Planning Board or Council.

In cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the state of North Carolina is updating its official flood maps for several counties, including Union County. These maps show areas officially designated as floodplains, which are properties or sections of properties most susceptible to flooding. 

As we enter into the political season, a friendly reminder of the Town Sign Ordinance-

UDO Section D-918.K.2.c. All political signs (shall not require a permit), provided that such signs shall be placed in accordance with the following:


March 2023

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